ajantaenterprise@gmail.com +91 9934655254

About Us

AJANTA Enterprises is getting great acceptance all over India Since last 2013 to Presently Company is Trading V-4, V-3, V-6, Borewell and Horizontal & Vertical multi stage openwell Pumps for Agriculture purpose. AJANTA Submersible has Five Star rating certificate from Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) managed by Govt. of India and ISI certificate from (BIS) Bureau of Indian Standard. Company also has management certificate of ISO 9001-2008.

With over 13 years of experience, Ajanta Enterprises a wide range of water pumps for the agricultural, commercial and domestic sectors. We are an award winning manufacturer with captive foundry, motor lamination, and winding wire units. Manufactured in Coimbatore, our Ajanta Enterprise borewell submersible pumps are India's most preferred due to their consistent quality and robust design.

Director Message

and to achieve that each and every product undergoes strict quality control checking before packing and that is the reason why the company has always maintained an excellent market record.

AJANTA Enterprise was started in 2008 as a small Trading unit of submersible pump sets. Over there 13 years AJANTA grew rapidly to become one of the leading Trading in submersible Industries based at Patna. AJANTA Enterprises always put efforts to provide quality products to its customers but with your Loyalty and support we become the most awarded & quality conscious company. I am optimistic that AJANTA Enterprises will launch full range of water pumps sets and provide total Water solution to our valued customers I would like to personally thank each one of you for your continued support & Trust to AJANTA Enterprises.

Rakesh Kumar

Director : Ajanta Enterprises

+91 9934655254